: volunteering one's services where they are neither asked nor needed : MEDDLESOME
So, this weekend at my church here in Pasco, we had a missions conference. I was super excited about it because last year I was so impressed with the weekend. For being such a small church in such a small town, they (actually, we) as a church, are incredibly missions-focused, and are very involved in various types of mission work throughout the world. Pretty cool. So, this year, I had high expectations. I was sorely disappointed. And not for anything the people of my church did, but for the way the guest speaker spoke to the people of my church. He talked about the kinds of things that his church over in Tacoma are doing - and how they are so far ahead of the game in this "second reformation" of the church that is happening. (I'm pretty sure if you ask him, that he is pretty much the founder of this new "reformation" - so be on the lookout!). And then he completely tore apart the way we, as a church, worship on Sunday mornings. He kept giving examples of his amazing "warehouse" church and how there aren't any pews, and they tell people not to come on Sunday mornings, and they don't have any spotlights or the "resident expert" up in front telling everyone else what to think.
So, let me just say that, while I do not believe these elements of the service or the sanctuary are necessary, it isn't as though they are evil and are leading people astray! AND, it isn't the only thing my church does! Yes, I agree that church needs to be more than just sitting in a pew on Sunday and soaking up whatever wisdom your pastor has to offer you, and then going about your week without once considering what God is calling you to do, but it doesn't mean there is no value in those things.
I just have no patience for people who do not know their audience, but still believe they have the right to tell them they are doing everything wrong, while they have all the answers as to how to do it right (since they are obviously philosophically light-years ahead of the rest of us). Good old Young Life and their "earning the right to be heard" could teach this guy a few things.
Just so you know, I did attempt to give mister "saving the future of the church in a Tacoma warehouse" some things to think about after two of his four talks, but he was really hard to communicate with. At least for me. He kept turning all of my arguments around into something completely different. I wish I could have punched him in the face.
hmm, this comment thing may take some getting used to...
You didn't tell me the part about wanting to punch him. I'm not sure if that's very mission-minded: "I'm going to spread the gospel of my FIST to the ends of your FACE!!!"
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